Michael Jones' Fitness Journey.

**My Fitness Journey**

My journey began during my college years when I delved deeply into weightlifting and fitness. Initially, I focused more on bodybuilding than strict dieting. In my first year, I saw a significant transformation, going from 185lbs to 235lbs, mostly muscle. Witnessing remarkable improvements in my body composition fueled my passion for weightlifting. Over the next two years, my weight fluctuated between 225lbs to 250lbs of lean muscle.

However, at the age of 22, everything changed when I became a father for the first time. Balancing parenthood with my fitness routine became challenging, leading to muscle atrophy as I prioritized family over personal fitness goals. Over the following years, neglecting regular exercise and indulging in unhealthy eating habits caused my weight to balloon. By 2014, I decided to reignite my commitment to fitness alongside my wife, embarking on a workout plan together.

I achieved my lowest weight of 200lbs in 2016, just before learning about our second child on the way. Once again, familial responsibilities took precedence, and my weight climbed steadily, peaking at 280lbs over the next five years. Despite sporadic attempts to maintain my weight, it wasn't until 2021, with a more physically demanding job and home workouts, that I managed to shed 20lbs.

However, complacency set in with another physically demanding job, leading to a stagnation in weight loss due to poor dietary choices and overeating. Determined to make a change, I implemented intermittent fasting and intensified my weightlifting regimen while juggling a demanding job.

The past six weeks have been transformative. Through consistent effort and discipline, I've successfully dropped from 260lbs to 224lbs. Moving forward, I am committed to continuing my fitness journey, incorporating intermittent fasting and regular workouts until I achieve my goal weight of 200lbs.